When I started my new job, I was told that I would be the "Programming Languages" person. I knew I wanted to learn more not only about specific programming languages like Rust and Reason, but understand them on a higher level. I believe it was @sugarpirate who originally recommended both this…
Read Article →Back when I was looking for inspiration while building my personal website and blog, I stumbled upon Tania Rascia's site . One of my favorite parts were her "custom blocks" - colorful components used to annoate or add helpful information to her articles. I made a note to create some for mine when I…
Read Article →Recently, I decided to start learning ReasonReact . I chose it because my friend Sean Grove recommended it, but also because I've been looking for an excuse to use Reason on a project. I like that ReasonReact is similar to React type-safe (like TypeScript, but out-of-the-box) There are more…
Read Article →One of my favorite things to share with others is setups! It's fun to see what others use and share my own setup. To make things easier, I've broken it into two categories: gear and software. Gear This is a mix of personal and work gear. Some I bought myself (new or used) and other parts were paid…
Read Article →In my Ultralerning Plan , I wrote down the following as one of my progress goals: Contribute to an open source project As a new Rustacean , I knew it would be best to look for something beginner-friendly such as finding a small bug to fix or contributing to documentation. I am happy to say I found…
Read Article →I don't think this feature been out for too long. It's handy when you want to open a PR to show your teammates you're making progress before you're ready for a formal review. To do this, Open a new pull request via GitHub in the browser Scroll down to the "Create pull request" button Click the…
Read Article →We create branches for new features, bugfixes, doc changes and other things. It's easy to forget to delete them after they get merged. Instead of having to remember to delete them, what if you could do it automatically? Good news - you can! Here's how you can do it too: Go to your repo's homepage on…
Read Article →In the past, I didn't think much about my commit messages or my commit history. Over time, that has changed. Now that I commit more often, I find it helpful to squash commits when I merge PRs. This keeps the commit history clean. I like it! Here's how you can do it too: Go to your repo's homepage on…
Read Article →Back when I was working at Echobind , we used a Slack + GitHub integration to notify you of PRs you needed to review. I loved it! As soon as a PR was assigned to me, I would get a ding on Slack. It worked really well. Since we worked on small teams, the PR reviewers were always the same 1-2 devs. I…
Read Article →This is the third blog post in my Rust Ultralearning series. In my first post , I highlighted my study plan and notes on Chapter 1 of the Rust Lang Book . The second post covered my notes on Chapter 2 . Here, I cover my notes on Chapter 3 . Notes on Chapter 3 In this chapter, we learn common…
Read Article →This is the second blog post in my Rust Ultralearning series. In my first post , I talked about why I am learning Rust and my study plan. Here, I cover my notes on Chapter 2 of the Rust Lang Book . Notes on Chapter 2 The Rust Lang Book includes two types of chapters: concept and project. The…
Read Article →Hello and welcome! This might be the first time we meet so I thought I’d start this post off with a short introduction. I’m Joe and previously I worked with JavaScript building web apps and mobile apps. Now, I’m learning Rust both for personal reasons and work-related reasons. I work as a Developer…
Read Article →Similar to PR templates , issue templates are another favorite of mine when setting up projects on GitHub. You've probably seen them if you've opened an issue on an open source project. It looks like this: If you prefer to learn by watching, you can find this on egghead . Here's how you can set it…
Read Article →Recently, I finished "No Excuses" by Brian Tracy as part of my Goodreads reading challenge . I wanted to use this post to reflect on why I read the book, my overall thoughts and things I highlighted. Why I Read It I am huge fan of the self-help genre. Shortly before I left Arizona, I grabbed…
Read Article →PR templates are one of my favorite features. I can't remember when I first learned about them but essentially, it's a template which appears when someone opens a pull request on your project. This comes in handy for projects with multiple contributors. If you prefer to learn by watching, you can…
Read Article →As @swyx puts it, the Twitter card or more importantly og:image is important because this is THE FIRST THING newcomers to your blog see, not your actual blog You can set yours up fairly quickly thanks to a package called @jlengstorf/get-share-image by Jason Lengstorf . Jason wrote an awesome…
Read Article →After writing my review on "Effective TypeScript" , I shared it with my friend @swyx . He read through and shared his thoughts. One area he talked about was mapped types. Here's what he said: I decided to give it a go and try to create the utility type from scratch. Finding the answer While…
Read Article →Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts Click on Screenshots Change "Copy picture of selection area to the clipboard" to shift + cmd + 4 Change "Save picture of selected area as a file" to ctrl + shift + cmd + 4 That's it! Now, you can easily take screenshots and share them in…
Read Article →Shutdown On January 16th, 2020, I will shut down the dip-chat workspace on Slack. I will also delete all the emails from the dip-chat Buttondown and close the account. I will leave the site up at dip.chat but I will remove the sign up link. The origin of dip.chat The idea for a "virtual coworking…
Read Article →62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript I pre-ordered this book at the recommendation from my friend @swyx . I read the book in December 2019. Table of Contents Notes Chapter 1 - Getting to Know TypeScript Chapter 2 - TypeScript's Type System Chapter 3 - Type Inference Chapter 4 - Type Design…
Read Article →I finally revised my old website and have updated my blog! 😄 This has been a few months in the making actually. I can't recall when - it might have been in October - but I had a call with Joel Hooks to talk about goals and my career aspirations. One of the pieces of advice he gave me was to "own…
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